Realeyes Blog

How to Identify Sales Lift Opportunities for Every Ad Creative

Written by Colin Pye | 13-Dec-2024 11:39:22

With Realeyes’ Synthetic AI measurement, marketers across industries can now measure Sales Lift on every ad before launch.   
PreView Synthetic predicts visual attention and emotion in ads, which attributes an "Attention Potential" score to every ad. Attention Potential has +0.3% Sales Impact per 1 point of Attention Potential (based on historic data). It is built on a global dataset of 17 million sessions and 336 billion frames of viewing time.  

We have demonstrated that PreView Synthetic AI measurement can produce 3%-5% sales lift in a pilot with Mars, which we presented at 2024’s ARF Marketing Analytics Accelerator.  



...instantly score every ad and optimize those already in production - removing the need to wait until after a campaign has run to see if it drove sales 


As well as scoring every ad and optimizing those already in production, PreView Synthetic identifies creative attributes that are most responsible for driving Sales. Brands can define Playbooks for Creative Production based on thousands of creatives.  These take 24h to produce and are refreshed with new data every 6 months. 


PreView Synthetic streamlines decision-making by setting guidance rules across a set of ad creative.



Creative Playbook
PreView Synthetic Creative Playbook streamlines decision-making by setting guidance rules that can be applied across an ad set. Doing so can flag where creative is lacking visual attention and emotional response required to drive Sales Lift.   

A recent study of 135 ads for an FMCG food brand resulted in these three specific recommendations, two of which were soundtrack related - a net-negative sales driver. Acting on these should yield a greater Sales Lift.      




4.8% Sales Lift   –5.7% Sales Lift  

–3.6% Sales Lift

58% has clear messaging 


46% features music


130 bpm soundtrack 











Keep Clear Messaging

Avoid long dramatic setups and introduce the brand earlier.


Reduce Soundtrack

Music overpowered visuals and messaging. Reduce soundtrack prominence.


Reduce Tempo

Fast music tempo negatively impacts viewer attention. Reduce tempo below 129 bpm.


Defines Rules  
PreView Synthetic identifies the strongest correlations between predicted audience engagement and creative attributes.   

Quantifies Impact  
Each rule shows its positive or negative effect on predicted Sales Lift outcomes based on predicted Attention Potential score out of 100.   

Predicts Sales  
Our +0.3% Sales per 1 point of Attention Potential figure stems from our default, generic global model. We can work with brands to fine tune a specific higher performance mode powered by their internal sales data.