Dentsu Japan Launches Attention Report & New Creative Excellence Solution

Alex Browne
Today marks the launch of Dentsu’s International Brands Attention Economy Program.
Dentsu has brought together Realeyes, Lumen Research, and a coalition of partners to investigate attention and digital advertising effectiveness in Japan. The findings are now available to all in the Attention Economy whitepaper.
The Dentsu Japan team expanded remit of the Attention Economy to investigate creative and media drivers of attention and effectiveness. In doing so, Dentsu found that advertisers must leverage creative intelligence to maximise return on media investment. Without strong creative, even the best media strategy will fail.
We are therefore also delighted that Dentsu has launched Dentsu ARCANA, a new attention-powered creative effectiveness solution for advertisers.
Using Human and Synthetic Testing, Dentsu partners can now benefit from instant, highly accurate creative measurement for every single ad. These measurement solutions drive outcomes from awareness to sales, and are built on bespoke models that are tailored to market, context, and audience (age, gender.)
ARCANA promises to maximise the creative contribution to overall effectiveness, maximizing the ‘fit’ between creative, audience, and media context. Dentsu partners can now action the findings of the Attention Economy study with confidence, placing media investment behind creative that is shown to be effective.
ARCANA also promises to solve specific, recurrent problems for advertisers in Japan. For example, global advertisers are often tasked with adapting ‘global’ campaigns and creative concepts for Japanese audiences. In doing so they must tread a thin line between maintaining consistency and maximizing relevance to different audiences.
Rather than flying blind, advertisers can now test, edit, and validate global creative with testing that is tailored to Japanese audiences and that is predictive of actual outcomes. All in a matter of hours, not days.
Realeyes is unique in detecting the facial expressions, understanding the emotional reactions from the panelists Stephen Leung - Dentsu |
To learn more about Dentsu ARCANA, please reach out to Joshua Grant, Stephen Leung or Alex Browne.
To download the Attention Economy Whitepaper, please click on the appropriate link: English version and Japanese version.