Key Insights From the I-COM Attention Forum Series

Keith O'Brien
I-COM established its Attention Forum in 2022 to produce compelling discussions about the latest opportunities and challenges in attention measurement. The forum invites guest speakers to address the forum members, of whom include executives from some of the world’s leading brands, creative and media agencies, and attention providers.
Max Kalehoff, VP marketing and growth at Realeyes, and Phil Jackson, global digital marketing effectiveness innovation director at Haleon serve as Attention Forum chairs.
The forum meets 4-5 times a year - you can also register at I-COM to join the next series.
Chapter 1 | An Attention Journey
In this chapter, guest presenter Emily Weishaupt, Communications Insights Manager, North America, Nestlé Purina, joined co-chair Phil Jackson to discuss the business case for attention measurement.Key Takeaways
- Results so far indicate that Attention can be a powerful tool for optimizing for quality reach.
- Attention levels vary by network, dayparts, programs and position in break.
- Attention varies greatly by platform, placements and formats.
- Brands should focus investment where higher levels of attention are likely to be achieved.
Chapter 2 | The Science of Attention
In this chapter, guest presenters Kenan Buhic, IT project manager at Arkwright Digital, and Duncan Southgate, Senior Director, Creative and MediaSolutions - Insights Division at Kantar, shared insights from their respective research.Key Takeaways
- There’s no agreed definition, which is why organizations are approaching it differently.
- To maximize the power of attention, we need to know the length and depth of that attention and exactly what they’re paying attention to.
- A key area of focus should be on sparking attention in those who are inclined towards turning it into action (i.e., Attention vs. "Profitable Attention").
Chapter 3 | Delivering Unique Consumer & Market Insight
In this chapter, G=mc2 Visual Anthropologist Izzy Pugh guided the group through alternative ways of thinking about attention.Key Takeaways
- Measuring the meaningfulness of types of attention is a crucial next step for marketers.
- Different signs and symbols (semiotics) provoke different meanings in people. Some semiotics require more attention (e.g., harder concepts to grasp) than simpler concepts, but both have value.
- We need to further explore healthy versus unhealthy attention.
Chapter 4 | Assembling an ‘Attention Stack’
In this chapter, I-COM Attention Forum guest presenter Ethan Rapp, an independent marketing consultant, presenting findings from his work researching 23 attention data solutions while leading the ARF Attention Validation Initiative.
Key Takeaways
- Helen and Ethan Ethan posit that attention is a collection of innovations, definitions,
technologies, philosophies; that a singular definition is unrealistic - Attention is the measure of quality against individual parts of the
marketing supply chain - “Attention” will migrate into different departments of the marketing
Chapter 5 | Delivering Competitive Advantage: Creative
Coming soon!
Chapter 6 | Delivering Competitive Advantage: Media
Coming soon!