Thaer Namruti

Moving Towards an Attention Revolution in Advertising

Thaer Namruti, EVP Global Data and Technology, Publicis Groupe has been involved in advances in attention measurement for many years, having witnessed the birth of...

Irina Dzyubinsky - MediaProbe

From Engagement to Conversion: The Role of Attention in Advertising

Irina Dzyubinsky, CPO at Mediaprobe, discussed the expanding landscape of attention providers, why measuring emotion is so important, what needs to happen to create...

Jon Watts

Pushing Attention Forward During its Formative Years

Jon Watts, Managing Director, ARF’s Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement Longtime consultant Jon Watts has always been on the cutting edge of advertising...

Bill Harvey & Sophie MacIntyre

ARF Winning Paper Upends Industry Norms About Digital Environments

The following is an excerpt from the ARF AudiencexScience 2023 award-winning paper, Decode Digital Video Attention by Environments in the Wild. In recent years, the...

Sorin and Max

Next in Media Podcast: Mars & Realeyes on Attention’s Business Impact

Michael Shields' Next in Media podcast hosted our VP of growth and marketing Max Kalehoff and Sorin Patilinet, Senior Director Consumer Insights at our partner Mars....

Kenan Buhic

A Master Thesis: Unpacking the Definition of ‘Attention as a Metric’

Kenan Buhić, author and IT project manager at Arkwright Digital GmbH Kenan Buhić, IT project manager at Arkwright Digital GmbH, studied attention metrics at WHU –...

Mike Shaughnessy

Attention is the Remedy for Constant Distraction

Michael Shaughnessy, Chief Operating Officer at Kargo. With an extensive career in ad technology, Michael Shaughnessy has experienced several changes in how...

Matthias Rothensee - EyeSquare

Attention: A Complex Phenomenon Whose Time Is Now

Matthias Rothensee’s background as a psychologist gives him a unique perspective on attention measurement. With the technology and ability to track improving, he...

Alex Collmer - VidMob

Creative Attention Even More Important in a Post-ATT World

VidMob Founder and CEO Alex Collmer is a strong advocate for the importance of creative attention measurement. He discussed how a post-ATT world only enhances...