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The Winners and Losers from Super Bowl 2018

Colin Pye

3 Surprising AI-Powered Insights About Gillette’s Controversial Ad
Close shave - but polarisation of young vs old a good way to ensure brand stays relevant Preachy and patronising? Empowering and inspiring? Whatever your opinion of...

Heathrow’s Teddy Bear Ad is Most Emotionally Engaging Christmas Ad
Heathrow Airport campaign “The Heathrow Bears Return” is the most engaging Christmas ad of the year. That’s one of the key takeaways from our new Christmas...

Oracle’s Sarah O’Donnell Joins Realeyes as VP of Product Management
Realeyes has hired Oracle-Grapeshot’s Sarah O’Donnell as its VP of Product Management.

5 AI-Powered Insights About #EltonJohnLewis Ad
John Lewis finally launched its new much-awaited Christmas campaign last week. A slight departure from previous Xmas campaigns from the UK retailer, “The Boy And The...

John Lewis’ Elton Ad Is 5th Most Engaging of Retailer’s Christmas Ads
AI company Realeyes ranks John Lewis’ festive ads based on how much attention, emotional engagement and positive sentiment they generate “The Boy And The Piano”...

Christmas Starts Early for UK Retailers
UK Retailers have already begun going in to battle, the turkey’s already basted and the knives are out, but who’s going to carve off the lion’s share of customer...

AI-Powered Insights On How to Create The Perfect Christmas Ad
The John Lewis ad is almost here – and with it the official start of the Christmas period. Sure, it’s less than two months till Jesus’ birthday, but they do say it...

'The Long Wait' Is The Most Effective John Lewis Christmas Ad
Tear-inducing 2011 campaign at top of UK retail store’s Xmas tree, according to Realeyes’ face-reading AI technology that measures attention and emotion levels